Does security incident information sharing benefit the new (data) gold?

A security incident is understood as an event that has a negative effect on the properties of confidentiality, integrity or availability, known also as the CIA triad, of communication networks, services or data – stored, under processing or in transit. A security incident may affect any of the CIA triad combinations. A brief summary of the CIA triad is provided below.

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Digitization, a double-edged weapon

EPES digitization and modernization is a double-edged weapon. Despite almost limitless advantages to be gained, digitization brings more opportunities for hackers to outrage the essential infrastructures. Networks are being linked, gaining complexity and allowing more devices to take part of the ecosystem, undoubtedly increasing the attack surface and weak points. How is this affecting the global energy domain? What are the possibilities to countermeasure this threat?

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Autoencoders for anomaly detection

The Phoenix project is focused on the cyber-security of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPES). One on the first steps on counter-measuring a cyber-attack is to identify the malicious activity. That task can be addressed by anomaly detection techniques. Artificial Intelligence has proven to be a suitable technology for that task.

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Blockchain for Electrical Power Energy Systems

Blockchain adoption in EPES use cases

Blockchain technology has been proposed as the backbone technology of the PHOENIX project for storing and sharing cyber threat intelligence. Among others, PHOENIX has the objective to provide at trust between the involved parties (e.g. utilities, customers, etc.), data integrity and immutability, as well as high resource availability while ensuring confidentiality and privacy of personal data.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°832989. All information on this website reflects only the authors' view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.

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