PHOENIX will involve real-world scenarios to validate the effectiveness of PHOENIX across 5 European Large Scale Pilots (LSP) in Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Greece and Romania involving the complete end-to-end generation, transmission, distribution and prοsumption value chain. Beyond the individual LSPs, cascading effects even to other critical infrastructures will be simulated and cross-border security and privacy sites will be tested and validated. Double lines show the cross-hub interconnections simulating new hierarchies and business models in a pan-European incidents information exchange platform between EPES and CERTs implementing NIS Directive.

LSP1: Multi-utility/Multi-owner RES cyberthreats and data breach detection

PHOENIX LSP1 will be implemented by ASM and EMOT in Umbria region (Segment A) and by BFP in Puglia region (Segment B) and will validate PHOENIX at DSO and prosumer level on a regional and crosssite information exchange at national level.

LSP2: National-wide cooperative remotely controlled HPP

PHOENIX LSP2 will be provided by PPC at distributed RES generation level. LSP2 will feature 3 Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPPs) located in Northern Greece.

LSP3: Collaborative Microgrid-enabled cyber risks mitigation

PHOENIX LSP3 will be implemented by ELLJ and BTC in the commercial and industrial area of BTC in Ljubljana.

LSP4: Collaborative /DSO flexibility vs cybersecurity and privacy

PHOENIX LSP4 will be a collaborative/DSO flexibility vs cybersecurity and privacy pilot mainly based in Terni city, interconnected with a simulation facility in Aachen (Germany) and an emulated facility in Lavrio (Greece).

LSP5: National vs Pan-European cooperative cyber threat information sharing

PHOENIX LSP5 will have significant business impact and political importance validating PHOENIX at DSO, TSO and national-wise CERT level.
Moreover, it will validate national and cross-border information and incidents exchange and governance hierarchies sharing models as foreseen by NIS Directive.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°832989. All information on this website reflects only the authors' view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.

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