Universal Secure Gateway (USG)

A Hardware and Software system, as a secure network edge device, direct connected with existing EPES assets (i.e. RTUs, PLC, SCADA).

Machine Learning offline framework training & processing

Αn innovative and high-performance GPU based machine deep learning (ML) framework for offline and online/real-time processing and situation awareness.

EPES Situation Awareness, Perception and Comprehension (SAPC)

Deep-learning methodologies, big-data analysis and proposing countermeasures, leading to significant reduction of security costs.

The PHOENIX approach focuses on the protection of the European end-to-end EPES (Electrical Power and Energy System) (from energy production to prosumption) via prevention, early detection and fast mitigation of cyber-attacks against EPES assets and networks and from (intentional and unintentional, internal and external) human activities, while protecting the utilities and end-users’ privacy from data breaches by design.

A distributed yet fully synchronized  pan-European I2SP which will collect and share incidents’ information and trained ML models without the need to share sensitive information across EPES operators and CERTs.

Incidents Mitigation and Enforcement Countermeasures (IMEC)

Self-learning mechanism aimed at cyber-human incidents/attacks/accidents mitigation, prioritizing the most relevant information.

Privacy Protection Enforcement (PPE)

Implementation of an advanced legal framework for suitably managing data, ensuring adequate levels of GDPR compliance, well beyond legacy Data Management Platforms.

Cybersecurity Certification Centre

Created to accelerate the testing and certification of new EPES secure products in the market.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°832989. All information on this website reflects only the authors' view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.

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