Security By Design

Energy networks are becoming ever more decentralized with an increasing number of renewable resources connected to them. Due to the volatile nature of this generation, distribution grids will need to ensure that controllable loads and renewable generation are synchronized, to avoid peaks and prevent over-loading. Achieving this will help enable renewable generation, ensure security of supply, and mitigate expensive grid upgrades.

Managing this delicate process however, requires complex IT data flows and therefore heterogenous and interconnected IT-Systems. Architects of EPES systems (Energy Power and Energy System) must therefore include cybersecurity principles to ensure the future grid is robust and reliable. “Security by Design” is a powerful approach in this process. It’s major principles cover: security of system access, integrity of data communication, system transparency, maintainability.

Within the Phoenix-H2020 pilot in Sweden a Demand side response (DSR) system is setup by EON to evaluate the benefit of intelligent load management to the distribution grid. The cybersecurity aspects including “Security by Design” were prioritized from the very beginning.

Phoenix- strengthens EPES cybersecurity preparedness by employing “Security by design” via novel

protective concepts for resilience, self-healing and accountability. Phoenix’ secure communication interfaces and intrusion detection techniques are a perfect complement to this approach to achieve the highest level of IT security in interconnected systems. For more detailed information have a look at documents like the NIST publication on “Systems Security Engineering” [2] and the OWASP “Security by Design” principles [3].

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°832989. All information on this website reflects only the authors' view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.

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