LSP 4: Collaborative /DSO flexibility vs cybersecurity and privacy

The LSP4 will be a collaborative/DSO flexibility vs cybersecurity and privacy pilot mainly based in Terni city, interconnected with a simulation facility in Aachen (Germany) and an emulated facility in Lavrio (Greece). In Terni, the LSP4 will leverage the ASM flexibility management system (FMS), which can manage a number of block-of-energy units (production and consumption at ASM headquarters) and multiple Smart Meters in the Terni city reaching, for the LSP4 purpose, 600 kW as consumption peak power and  500 kW as production peak power. In detail, the LSP4 will include 3 prosumers, 3 producers, 1 building of apartments, 4 Industrial sites, 1 Farm, 1 School/University facility and ASM office building (with controllable load, 2 PV, a battery energy storage and 3 Electrical Vehicles chargers).

In Aachen, RWTH (E.ON. Energy Research Centre) will offer a state of the art laboratory which will be fully operational in Q3 2021. It will offer 5 emulated household consumers using controllable assets (load-banks, PV-inverters, storage systems), 20-30 virtualized household consumers (identical to real household consumers, with synthetic load and generation profiles), a large load-bank (up to 1.2MW) and large inverters (~ 200 kVA). Finally, in Lavrio, PPC will offer a real emulated house, with a PV and connection to the smart grid.

Looking at the PHOENIX project, it is intended to detect security attacks to this IT system. Therefore, on the one hand process data of all the above-mentioned real assets from Terni and on the other hand access logfiles from the Terni Demand Site Response (DSR) platform and the Smart meter platform will be collected and provided periodically for investigation to PHOENIX and as input to the RWTH Lab platform. These data are transmitted to a central PHOENIX platform where the intrusion detection and further analysis is performed. The DSR implementation combines several Software as a Service solutions. Consequently, it comes with accordingly quite a lot of external cloud systems necessary to be connected to the DSR. It is the prototype of a compound software system which results in a spread responsibility. PHOENIX project will benefit from this scenario. The Lavrio site will be used mainly for demonstration of countermeasure automatic switching between produced PV electricity and Smart Grid connection.

PHOENIX LSP4 will take advantage of the DSR deployment to validate flexibility versus cybersecurity and privacy attacks. PHOENIX will analyse the Terni building assets and DSR logs and events, along with aggregated energy prosumption at neighbourhood and city sections to validate several cybersecurity scenarios:

  • Cybersecurity attacks on home assets and DSR platform platform: Analysis of system-level cybersecurity threats at building and at DRS platform level plus communication and exposed interfaces. Validation of resilience against attacks and vulnerabilities. In homes and on DRS-system level IT-security devices will be employed to identify attacks and communicate to the PHOENIX incidents platform.
  • Sensitive data privacy attacks: Analysis of anonymized power profile records from domestic energy assets and from the DSR- aggregation to mitigate abnormal, significantly increased energy demand as well as to make sure, the power profiles protect the customer privacy by hiding high-resolution details.
  • Survivability and Self-healing capabilities: Validation of survivability and recovery of the DRS-System from cybersecurity attacks.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°832989. All information on this website reflects only the authors' view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.

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