Capgemini and Intrasoft win flagship contract to support the EU ISACs establishment

Read the original press release here.

Paris, February 27, 2020 – Gapgemini (coordinator of the PHOENIX project) and INTRASOFT International (member of the PHOENIX consortium, and leader of the PHOENIX Incidents Information Sharing Platform (I2SP)) have been granted a new contract under the call ”Cybersecurity digital service infrastructure establishment of a core service platform cooperation mechanism for Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs) facilities manager” (SMART 2018/1022).

The grant by European Commission will assist the establishment and further development of European level sectorial Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) covering all the sectors and subsectors identified by the NIS Directive (2016/1148), such as in the energy, finance, healthcare, water distribution, digital infrastructure and transport sectors. The work will be assisted by a consortium, which consist of the Spark Legal Network, the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (TNO) and the German DFN-CERT Services.

The action will include the development of a strategy for the creation of new ISACs in critical sectors, support their start-up phase by providing technical and legal support and facilitate the launch of ISACs on a European level – also building on existing ISACs. The consortium will involve and closely work together with stakeholders from all relevant sectors, while ENISA[1] will be a key partner in establishing European level sectorial ISACs. Potential other sectors envisioned for future ISACs include Europe’s industrial sectors and operators of essential services such as health, maritime, and water.

 “It is important to see that PHOENIX Innovation Activities such as the Incidents Information Sharing Platform (I2SP) may have a significant direct impact in cyber-securing the European Critical Infrastructures services” commented Dr. Farhan SAHITO, Capgemini Cybersecurity Direct and PHOENIX project coordinator. “I am delighted to see that the excellent collaboration between the PHOENIX consortium partners is also reflected in common activities beyond the PHOENIX project, ensuring European citizens’ cyber-security” stated Dr. Theodore ZAHARIADIS, CTO of Synelixis Solutions S.A. and PHOENIX Technical Coordinator.

[1] European Agency for Cybersecurity:

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°832989. All information on this website reflects only the authors' view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.

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